1. Wear a smile all day long. Smile at everyone you come across.
2. Be a nice driver. {Don’t get mad when you get cut off or someone steals your spot. Instead, give it to someone that needs it more than you.}
3. Take someone flowers and leave an anonymous note.
4. Write a thank you note to someone {or several}.
5. Make your favorite treat and take it to someone that needs cheering up.
6. Go through the books in your house and donate the ones you don’t need to Big Brother Big Sisters or another organization that would need them. {I will be collecting them if you’d like to drop them off to me. I’m taking them to the book drop on 118th South on March 22nd…}
7. Recycle. Instead of throwing junk mail or that old water bottle in the regular garbage, separate it and put it in the recycle bin.
8. Find someone that needs dinner and take it to them. {Call Timette, she’s the Compassionate Service Leader. Text me and I’ll get you her #.}
9. When you are at a drive-thru, pay for the person behind you.
10. Write a letter to someone far away {a missionary, or someone serving in the military}.
11. Babysit someone’s kids for free and for nothing in return.
12. Gather up all your loose change and drop it in the charity boxes you see at the grocery store or McDonalds. {You can bring me your loose change and I will be taking it to McDonalds at the District on March 23rd}.
13. When you are eating at a restaurant, leave a BIGger than normal tip.
14. Clean your wards nursery toys, or donate snacks/Clorox wipes. {I will be at the church March 20th if you’d like to join me to clean our wards nursery toys}.
15. Find more loose change and search for vending machines or parking meters to feed.
16. Go through your house and collect things you don’t use anymore to donate to D.I. {I will be making a D.I run March 27th if you’d like to drop off donations. }
17. Go to your child’s school and volunteer or donate supplies.
18. Pay someone’s fines at the library.
19. Buy extra cans of food to donate to food bank. {You can bring me your canned goods and I will be dropping them off at the food bin inside the Riverton Wal-Mart on March 29th.}
20. Walk a neighbors dog.
21. When at the grocery store, let someone with fewer items go ahead of you at the checkout.
22. Take your shopping cart to the cart return.
23. Go to the temple! {I will be going to the Temple Cleaning Day March 7th with our ward. Come join me!}
24. Go to the temple! I am counting this one twice, because I also want to do a session, an initiatory, baptism and confirmation in one day. I just haven’t decided what day. I’ll keep you informed if you’d like to join me for all or part of it.
25. Go to your favorite park and pick up trash.
26. Take treats and snacks to the hospital for the nurses and staff. {I will be taking treats to Pat’s floor at IMC, but am not sure of the date yet.}
27. Make rice bags and take to the cancer center for patients getting chemo. {I am still working on dates for this project. If you’d like to donate fabric, or rice (long grain, not instant) to make the bags, I will gladly sew them.}
28. Instead of just thinking it, compliment someone.
29. Do something nice for someone in your home {make their bed, fix them breakfast, put their clothes away.}
30. Donate money to a good cause. {Huntsman Cancer Institute, Primary Children’s Hospital, The Humane Society}.
31. During your prayers one day, just say thanks. Don’t ask for anything.
32. Make a care package for someone far away. {I will be making a package for a sweet family I know in Zimbabwe, Africa.}
33. Write down your favorite inspirational quote. Walk through a parking lot and choose a car window to put it on.
34. Go to the library, Barnes and Noble, or anywhere people are reading and read a book out loud for the children that are there.
35. Prayerfully think of something you could do to help someone around you. You’ll be surprised how Heavenly Father answers someone else’s prayer through YOU!!